

Artist✨Restoration Teacher✨Soul Healer✨Dream Life Mentor✨


  • Art / Crafts - 20 + Yrs

Live Sessions

Music As Therapy

Music As Therapy

Music as Therapy is a group class that will welcome you to a most amazing journey of connecting sound to soul. Here I teach you a handful of areas to explore music as a way to heal and introduce you to my signature 3 step process to releasing the pain of the soul realm through music. Each student will receive a free consultation to my 1:1 inner healing sessions by request (see my bio for link). Message for more details! My other class Soul Strengthening meets Tuesdays at 11aCST This class meets Thursdays 11aCST Fee: $5
Art / Crafts

  9 people attended Paid

Soul Strengthening Sessions

Soul Strengthening Sessions

Inner Healing Journey Class that equips you to begin or continue your own journey to wholeness/ restoration. Each week we will explore specific areas of brokenness to gain understanding and apply strategies to your own recovery. Come join this powerful class where I teach you on the spirit/soul/body connection and introduce you to my signature 3 step process of processing pain. Each student will receive a free consultation for my 1:1 Inner Healing Sessions by request. Class fee: $5
Art / Crafts

  10 people attended Paid

Past Sessions

Reflect Release Restore

Reflect Release Restore

Welcome to a workshop that will help you begin, continue and strengthen your inner healing journey. Inspired by my signature 3-5 step process to releasing pain of the spirit soul and body, I created this quarterly gathering to equip you with everything you’ll need to be free from your own brokenness. This workshop is an introduction to Soul-Strengthening Sessions, a space we explore the struggles of life and gain strategies to cope. Each student gets a free consultation for my 1:1 sessions!

  7 people requesting Free

Reflect Release Restore

Reflect Release Restore

Reflect. Release. Restore. is a workshop that takes you deep into the inner healing journey and more specifically my signature 3-5 step process to releasing the pain of the soul. This course is an introduction to Soul-Strengthing Sessions, a weekly gathering which brings you these principles and practices to help your soul heal from every form of brokeness. Each student gets a free 1:1 Inner Healing Consultation with me! Ruby💕 This workshop is $17 per session and meets quarterly.

  3 people attended Paid

Artist Dream Life Sessions

Artist Dream Life Sessions

Artist Dream Life Sessions is a class where you will connect, awaken and be equipped to build Your Dream Life as an artist. We will delve into the strengths and struggles of being an artist and the journey that takes you to that Dream Life you have in your heart. I will share my signature 8 Foundational Pillars and 5 Essential Building Blocks. Students will receive a free consultation to a 1:1 Creative Coaching session with me! This class meets Thursday 6p CST Class is $5 per class

  6 people attended Paid

Novelty Notes Journaling

Novelty Notes Journaling

Welcome to a space where words literally transform your life. Novelty Notes is an explorative journaling class where I will teach you how to allow the words you scribe to tell you your story. Here we will delve into 4 realms: therapy, release, clarity, and meditation. I will show you the basics and prepare you to delve deeper in your own writing! Students will receive a free consultation for a 1:1 Inner Healing Session with me! This class meets Tuesdays 2pCST

  64 people requesting Free

Novelty Notes Journaling More

Novelty Notes Journaling More

Welcome to a space where words literally transform your life. Novelty Notes is an explorative Journaling class where I teach you how all the words your scribe will tell your story . Here we will delve deeper into 4 realms: therapy; release; clarity; and meditation. I will show you the basics and prepare you to delve deeper in your own reflective writing. This class meets Tuesdays at 3pCST Students will receive a free 1:1 inner healing consultation! Fee: $5

  15 people attended Paid

Overcoming Anxitey

Overcoming Anxitey

Welcome to the beginning of winning your battle with anxiety. In this class I will teach you the roots of your own default way of coping with anxiety. Join me for a mid-week motivation to help you gain understanding, strategy, and victory over anxiety. Students will receive a free 1:1 counseling session with me by request! This class meets Wednesdays 2p CST Fee: $5

  8 people attended Paid

Artist Dream Life Sessions

Artist Dream Life Sessions

Artist Dream Life Sessions is a space for artists and musicians to learn strategies and tools to build their Dream Life as an artist. Here I share my signature 8 foundational pillars and 5 essential building blocks to build your Dream Life as an artist. We’ll delve into the strengths and struggles and the journey to create the Dream Life you envision. Students will receive a free 1:1 creative coaching session with me by request! This class meets Thursdays 4pCST Fee: $5

  4 people attended Paid

Soul Strengthening Sessions

Soul Strengthening Sessions

Welcome to Soul Strengthening Sessions! In this space we will explore the realm of the soul and learn strategies to go from places of brokenness to restoration. You will gain understanding and wisdom in coping with everyday struggles as well as delving into more specific issues. Each class will bring you new resources and tools! Students will receive a free 1:1 Inner Healing Consultation with me by request! shesrestored@gmail.com for more information This class meets Thursdays 5pCST Fee: $5

  6 people attended Paid



Welcome to Journaling: The Art of Sel-Dialogue. In this space we will explore the fundamentals of journaling and learn how to exercise a dialogue with self. Each class we will use prompt to practice writing and conversing! This class meets 6p CST Fee: $5

  5 people attended Paid

Novelty Notes Journaling

Novelty Notes Journaling

Welcome to a space where words literally transform your life. Novelty Notes is an explorative journaling class where I teach you how to take the words you scribe to tell your story. Here we will delve into 4 realms: therapy, releases, clarity and meditation. I will show you, the basics and prepare you to delve deeper in your own writing. This class meets 3p CST Fee: $5

  6 people attended Paid

Novelty Notes Journaling

Novelty Notes Journaling

Novelty Notes Journaling is a space where words literally transform your life. This is an explorative class where I teach you how to take all the words you scribe to tell your story. Here we will delve into 4 realms: Therapy; release; clarity/direction; meditation. I will show you the basics and prepare you to delve deeper into your own writing. This class meets Tuesdays 2p CST Fee: $5

  4 people attended Paid

The Art of Self Dialogue

The Art of Self Dialogue

Welcome to a space where words literally transform your life! Journaling: The art of self-dialogue is a space for you to unplug, center and bring the mind to a place of settling. Here I will teach you how to take the art of journaling to a safe space to process your thoughts and practice mindfulness and peace. This class meets Fridays 2pCST $5

  5 people requesting Free

Recovery From Anxiety

Recovery From Anxiety

Welcome to the beginning of winning your battle with anxiety. In this class I will teach you the roots of anxiety; the poisonous pendulum that takes you from the heights of anger to the depths of depression; and understanding your own default mode in combatting it! Each student will receive a free 1:1 inner healing session with me to identify their own anxiety roots and be given tailored strategies to overcome it! This class meets Wednesdays 11aCST Fee: $5
Art / Crafts

  15 people attended Paid

Novelty Notes Journaling

Novelty Notes Journaling

Novelty Notes Journaling is a space where words literally transform your life! This is an explorative space where I teach you how to take your scribed words to tell Your story. Here we will delve into 4 realms: Therapy; Release; Clarity/Direction; and Meditation. I will show you the basics and prepare you to delve deeper into your own writing. Students are invited to a free consultation to my 1 to 1 inner healing sessions. Class meets Mondays 11aCST. Fee: $5
Art / Crafts

  11 people attended Paid